Representatives of 8 Uppsala municipalities will visit the Netherlands for the training in the Dutch model of ‘Distance to the labour market’, which igma model originated from. The study visit is scheduled for the 18th to 20th of December 2017.

Folkuniversitetet is working on collaboration around igma project with all of the Uppsala county municipalities. First was Knivsta municipality that had its kick-off meeting 24/11. The participants discussed igma model, the potential trainees for the training, the current progress and the extent of readiness for the training. The similar meetings […]
PES and FU are training representatives of Uppsala ...

Norwegian delegation attended Sweden for igma training. The training took place in Folkuniversitetet premises on the 14th of November. The programme of the training included presentations by the politicians, practitioners at Public Employment Service and Regionförbundet.
Norwegian delegation attended Sweden for igma training

On the 15th of November 2016, the igma model was presented at the awareness raising workshop within the regional project KISA aimed at individualization of labour market integration of refugees and the newly-arrived.
igma model was presented at the awareness raising ...
An analysis on collaboration of the stakeholders for labour-market integration of the newly-arrived was conducted in 8 Uppsala county municipalities. In November 2016 Folkuniversitetet scheduled appointments with representatives of the municipalities in order to communicate the results of the analysis and advise on the further steps towards improving the collaboration […]
Engagement of Uppsala region municipalities in igma
The Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Directorate of Labor and Welfare has pledged that they will strengthen their cooperation on solving societal challenges, and have created a strategy for joint efforts on Work and Health. The two directorates agree that they need to work even closer together to solve […]
Closer cooperation on employment and health

The 3rd transnational meeting took place in Nicosia, on the 6th and 7th of October 2016. During the meeting each partner presented a set of exercises for the training of networks on the IGMA3 methodology. The partnership discussed in depth the structure of the online training tool where all the […]
3rd Transnational Meeting in Cyprus
The Igma3 Project presentation in Ukraine. The man guest was Ali Rashidi from FolkUniversity.
The press-conference about project IGMA3 in ...
A Press Release was published on the 8th of September 2016 in the online newspaper of Phileleftheros, the highest in circulation newspaper in Cyprus. Click here to view the press release
IGMA3 in on line newspaper Philenews in Cyprus
Of each five students in higher professional education one leaves the program of his/her choice after one year. Common opinion is that this is because of the lack of capacity of these students. According to professor Elffers of HvA this is wrong and higher professional education itself needs to take […]
Higher professional education need to put in more ...
The Ministry of Education of NL has set aside a budget to compensate school costs for parents with low income having children in vet education. In this way school costs will not be anymore an obstacle for student’s enrollment in EQF-4 programs.
Ministry NL compensates educational costs
September 30ste a new job coach course will be offered by Saxion University. This training is designed for professionals who are responsible for coaching and guidance of individuals toward (new) work. Essential elements of these training consist of the three focus points of the igma methodology: the professional working […]