88% of all Vet students indicate that they feel themselves very safe at their Vet school. Staff of the VET schools even feel more safe, over 91 %. These are the results of the Social Safety Monitor 2014-2015 . Also unofficial absence is decreasing. These indicators are important since they […]
Dutch research has indicated the institutes for adult education do not succeed in reaching the citizens with the lowest levels of education, those people who could benefit most from attaining higher levels of education. Advice of OECD is pointing at the need for development of national policy programs aiming at […]
Adult education does not reach the lowest educated
In the Netherlands a growing portion of students and their parents are not capable anymore to cover the costs for Vet education. Since the start of this school year government has reduced the funding by €550 . Besides a general fee for Vet parents also need to cover equipment costs […]
VET costs become heavy burden for parents
In April Dutch politicians will be deciding yes or no on running promotion campaigns focusing on VET students spending more time outside the Netherlands. This group, who until recently hardly spent parts of their study time abroad, could greatly improve their labor market chances by doing so. The European Erasmus+ […]
Vet students need to go abroad

The second transnational meeting took place in Drammen, Norway on the 4th and 5th of April 2016. The country research results that will contribute to the implementation of IO1: IGMA3 Methodology for Proffessionals and IO2: IGMA3 training curricula for stakeholders network were presented by each partner . Moreover the partnership […]
Second Meeting: Drammen-Norway 4th & 5th of April ...
The unemployment in the last three months of 2015 declined with an average of 7.000 per month to reach a volume of 588.000 people in December 2015, which is 6.6% of the workforce. A closer look at the labour market position of younger people (youth unemployment from the age of […]
Youth unemployment in NL
Official youth unemployment figures do not tell the whole story. Ministry of Social Affairs of NL has recently calculated that a group of approximately 50.000 youngsters is inactive: they are not registered as students, they are nor registered for social benefits, nor at the labour office or anywhere else for […]
Youngsters outside the system

As part of the preparatory work on the design of the new IGMA3 curriculum in November and December 2015 Revalento has held several meetings with business representatives, employer organisations, local authorities and VET institutes throughout the Netherlands. These sessions have also been used to promote IGMA methodology and to collect […]
Interviews started on Employer initiatives

“In the search for innovative and up to date education higher professional education and vet need to be glued together with the world of business”. The Dutch CEO of Siemens, Mr Van der Touw expressed this necessity when he announced a new Award “Pro-Motor”. This award will be given to […]
Businesses and education need each other
During the last 15 years NL has achieved a dramatic reduction in the numbers of early school leaving. In 2002 approximately 70.000 youngsters left education without having the required minimum level of education (Startkwalificatie). In 2014 this number has been substantially lowered to 27.000 youngsters due to two joint strategies: […]
Reduction of drop-outs
To promote better study and career guidance within initial VET in NL a Service Centre has been opened. VET schools are able to consult this centre to help the institutes deploy LOB ( Study and career guidance support, preparing students to make the right choice of education, right choice for […]
LOB Service Centre
Many factors influence a successful school career: cognitive ones as well as factors regarding motivation and self-confidence. Good practices in NL show that facilitation of a good school career is also positively influenced by warm transfer from one level of education to the next level: meaning close collaboration between sending […]